Friday, October 20, 2006

Jumping On The Bandwagon

Yes, I'm showing up late to the party. Again.

This blogging revolution is what, like, two or three years old, right? There were even some people out there that were hip to it eons ago -- I've seen some of those sites. But now everyone can get in on the game, which is pretty sweet considering that the idea of HTML scripting makes me want to put my head through the wall. I got a (respectable) C in that class in
college, but that website project was a killer.

So why me and why now? A couple of reasons. First, opinions are like assholes and everybody's got one -- myself included. There are millions of moments in a given day where I would love to call up my boyfriend or one of my friends and talk their ears off about my frustrations at work, about the latest boneheaded move by this bonehead politician. About how I'm still undecided about making the investment in the
Xbox 360 ( I will blog about that in the future) or waiting until PS3. Or how I love Justin Timberlake to death but "Sexy Back" just ain't doin' it for me.

Nope, nothin' doing.

Point is, I can't just call everyone up like that anymore. And even if I could, would they care? I've got a boatload of friends who think I'm super silly for still being into cartoons and video games at my age. Out there in the blogger-verse, however, there may be someone else who is feeling me about the Xbox dilemma.

Secondly, blogging is great practice for me as a writer. My job is very industry-centric and sadly my interests DO NOT lie there. Our lives and experiences are so varied that it's quite frustrating to find yourself pigeonholed into a box with walls that someone else defined.


I'm unsure as to whether I've fully answered the "why me, why now" question. But I'm starting to get hungry, and that box of Cookie Crisp is calling my name...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing I'm not a bonehead politician. - Dan