Save The Cheerleader, Save The World!: If you have yet to catch onto Heroes, you can log onto NBC's website and watch the episodes you've missed. Which you should do, because it's basically X-Men Lite, except that these 'heroes' actually have powers you would want and wouldn't make you superfreaky. With the exception of radiation guy from Monday night's episode -- um, he can give you radioactive burns by touch. Case in point -- he gave his wife cancer. Yikes!
Notable characters: The dynamic duo of Hiro the Hero and his sidekick Ando. We know I have an obsession with all things Japanese, but Hiro by far is the most kick-ass of all those featured on the show. And Ando's wisecracks -- ah, so funny! Yokkata! Ones to watch: Claire, Micah (so adorable, that little tech-mech-manipulator) and Peter (I can't decide...Milo's kind of cute but the bangs are killing me!)
If I were stranded on an island...: Lost, I still love you. Even though the Easter egg hunt you sent us on (you know, the one that started at the end of the last season and continued through the summer. Yeah, that one!) was enough to make me (and many others) feel like a casual castaway. I'm just going to let the season unfold without second guessing or taking up an investigation a la the Scooby kids. (However, it's also helpful to check-in with Entertainment Weekly every now and again. Jeff Jensen is the magazine's expert Lost theorist. He tries to put all the pieces of the puzzle together so the rest of us don't have to).
I mean, I live for my shows but I don't want to have to WORK for them. I spend good chunks of my week doing that for other people, anyway. TV Time= Relax Time.
I also don't know how I feel this season set-up ABC's got going on. Yes, there were far too many reruns last year but I think those were helpful for those viewers who missed episodes. But now Lost is taking a break until February, and then we get 16 new episodes back to back. And those egg hunters will be tuning in to the last twenty minutes of Daybreak just to catch the Lost sneak peeks. I hope Daybreak does well, but the premise doesn't thrill me and at this point, with Denzel's movie coming out soon, it seems overdone. (Interesting that Daybreak is an ABC show, Deja Vu is a Touchstone picture, and both ABC and Touchstone are Disney entities.)
Smallville. Yes, you had me at Ar-row. As in Green Arrow. Granted, Justin Hartley may not be the world's best actor (loved him on Passions) but I love him as Oliver Queen -- he's totally stealing Soop's thunder. (To the idiots who passed on Hartley's Aquaman series -- how you feeling 'bout that now?) Add to that the possibility of other JLA members making appearances this season, and you've got a reinvigorated show that may be winning back some fans.
Good TV is hard to come by, but these are my can't miss thus far. More to come.
Gets to Tivo-ing, already!